Saturday, 28 September 2013

Getting Started with Swing UI (User Interface) Components (Some Important Questions with Answers) For Class XI

Chapter 4

 Getting Started with Swing UI (User Interface) Components

Some Important Questions with Answers

1. Which window is used to design the form?
Ans: Design window
2. Which window contains the Swing Controls components?
Ans: Palette window
3. What is the most suitable component to accept multiline text?
Ans : Text Area
4. What will be the output of the following command?
Ans : Error
5. What will be the output of the following command?
Ans: LearningJava
6. Name the different list type controls offered by Java Swing.
Ans: (i) jListBox
        (ii) jComboBox
7. Name any two commonly used method of ListBox.
Ans: getSelectedIndex() and getSelectedValue()

8. Write code to add an element (“New Course”) to a list (SubList) at the beginning of the list.
Ans: SubList.add(0,”New Course”);
9. Describe the three common controls. Also give some of their properties.
(i) jButton text,icon
(ii) jLabel text,border
(iii) jTextField text,font
10. By default a combo box does not offer editing feature. How would you make a combo box editable.
Ans: By setting its editable property to false.
11. Write Name the component classes of Swing API for the following components-
(a) frame (b) button
12. What is the name of event listener interface for action events?
Ans: ActionPerformed
13. What does getpassword() on a password field return ?
Ans: a character array
14. What is event driven programming?
Ans: This programming style responds to the user events and is driven by the occurrence of user events.

15. What are containers? Give examples.
Ans: Containers are those controls inside them e.g., frame (JFrame), Panel (JPanel), label (JLabel) etc. are containers
16. which method of list is used to determine the value of selected item, if only one itm is selected.
Ans: getSelectedValue()
17. Which type of storage is provided by variables?
Ans: temporary
18. Explain the following terms:
a) IDE
b) Form
Ans: a) IDE : IDE is an acronym for Integrated Development Environment which is a work environment that integrates all tools necessary for Application Development and makes them available as part of one environment.
b) Forms: Forms are used to accept data (input) and submit data to an external agent for processing.
19. Explain the usage of the following methods :
a) setText()
b) toString()
c) concat()

a) setText() : It is used to change the display text of a component (label, text field or button) during run time.
b) toString() : It is used to convert an Integer value to String type.
c) concat() : The concat() method or the string concatenation symbol(+) may be used to add two strings together.
20. Differentiate between:
a) Text field and Text area components :
The Text Field allows the user to enter a single line of text only. But Text Area component allows to accept
multiline input from the user or display multiple lines of information.
b) Text field and Password field components:
The Text Field displays the obtained text in unencrypted form whereas password field displays the obtained
text in encrypted form. This component allows confidential input like passwords which are single line.
c) parseInt() and parseDouble() methods:
parseInt() is used to convert a string value to Integer type whereas parseDouble() is used to convert a
string value to type Double.
21. What is casting? When do we need it?
Ans: Casting is a conversion, which uses the cast operator to specify the type name in parenthesis and is
placed in front of the value to be converted.
For example: Result = (float) total / count ;
They are helpful in situations where we temporarily need to treat a value as another type.
22. Is Java case sensitive? What is meant by case sensitive?
Ans: Yes java is case sensitive. Case sensitive means upper case letters and lower case letters are treated
23. Is a string containing a single character same as a char?
Ans: No
24. What is the main difference between a combo box and a list box?
Ans: The List Box does not have a text field the user can use to edit the selected item, where as a Combo
Box is cross between a text field and a list.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Tips to get 100 out of 100 in informatices Practices


·         Prepare those questions first, which you feel easy for you.
·          Important terms of a topic must be memorized.
·          Practice the solutions in writing rather than just reading.
·          Practice on similar type question at a time.
·         Read all the questions carefully, before answering.
·         Attempt such questions first, for which you are confident          that it will leave a good impression.
·         Don't stretch the answer unnecessarily.
·         Try to write answer in points.
·         Important point should be underlined but be careful                   don't waste your time.
·         Try to illustrate your answer graphically, if it is possible.
·         Don't leave any question unanswered.
·         Solve previous years question papers, it is very important
·         Make precise and concise notes, point wise for exam time         preparation.
·         Plan your study judiciously (At least ½ hour daily for full           marks).
·         A proper timetable for study should be followed strictly.
·         Take healthy and timely diet during examinations. Also             take sound sleep every day.
·         Take a break from time to time in each study period.
·         Do not forget to revise all the topics one day prior, to the           day of examination.

And remember The Target is 100/100

Friday, 20 September 2013

Important Extra questions and answers of chapter 2 open source concepts class xii i.p. Target 100%

TARGET 70/70

Q.1.     What is OSS?

 It refers to Open Source Software, which are modifiable, redistributable but may or may not be available free of cost. Source code is available to the users.

Q.2      What is free software? How is it different from Open Source Software?

Free software means the software is freely accessible and can be freely used , changed and distributed by all who wish to do so, no payments need to be done for free software.
Open Source software is one whose source code is available with the software but which may not be available free of cost.

Q.3      What is a freeware? How is it different from free software?

Free software is the software available at no cost and no restrictions i.e. it can be copied, modified and redistributed also. Freeware on the other hand is free of cost, can be copied and redistributed but it cannot be modified as its source code is not available

Q.4      compare and contrast
            i) Open source Software (OSS) and FLOSS

OSS refers to software whose source code is available to customers hence it can be modified and redistributed without any restrictions  it may be available Free of Cost  or  on a payment as decided by the developers of the software
FLOSS  refers to a software which is both free of cost as well as open source software where LIBRE is a Spanish word which refers to FREEDOM

            ii) Proprietary Software and Free Software

Proprietary Software is one which is neither free  nor open source software . Its use is regulated and further distribution and modification is either forbidden or requires prior permission by the supplier or vendor.  Source code is normally not available for these software
Free software is the software available at no cost and no restrictions i.e. it can be copied , modified and redistributed also.

            iii)        Freeware and shareware
The term Freeware is generally used for software which is available free of cost and which allows coping and further distribution but no modifications as its source code is not available.
Shareware is a software , which is made available with the right to redistribute copies , but it is stipulated  that if anybody intends to use the software after a certain period  then a license fee should be paid. No modifications are allowed and no source code is available for these software.

Q.5      Expand the terms :-
            OSI                 Open Source Initiative
            FLOSS           Free/Libre and Open Source Software
            FSF                 Free software foundation
            GNU               GNU’S Not Unix
            GPL                General Public License
            W3C               World Wide Web Consortium
            OSS                 Open Source Software

Q.6      Explain the use of following software

            Linux                          it is an open source operating system
            Mozilla Firefox          It is a web browser
PHP                            it is a programming language primarily used for server side applications and developing dynamic web content
            Python                         it is an interpreted , interactive , programming language used for scripting
Apache                       it is a web server or HTTP server available for multiple platforms such as BSD, Linux and Unix etc
MySQL                      it is a multithreaded , multiuser  SQL relational database server.

Q7.      What is the
It is an office applications suite compatible with Microsoft Office.

Q8       What do you mean by computing?
It refers to applying a set of techniques on data  in order to define and solve problems pertaining to  specific information based task.

 Q9.     What is Business Computing?
            Computing applied to solve business related problems , is known as business computing

Q10.    Name some application areas of business computing
  • Inventory Control
  • Payroll management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Banking Applications

Q11.    What do you mean by an information system?
It can be defined as set of interrelated components that collect, process, store and distribute data ans information to provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective.

Q12.    List some Information Systems
            TPS                 Transaction Processing System
            MIS                 Management Information System
            DSS                 Decision Support System
            ESS                 Executive Support System

Q 13    Name four building blocks of an Information System
            Four building blocks of an Information System are
            DATA - These are raw facts about the organization and business transactions  that are used to produce useful information.
            PROCESS These are the tasks to be performed to complete the mission of the business
            INTERFACE  -These are the interconnection of one system with the other and how the system is presented to the user.
            GEOGRAPHY-It defines how the data , processes and interfaces are distributed to different business locations and the movement of data from one location to another.

Q 14.   What do you mean by user interface ?
            It refers to the software , which interacts with the user  , and is responsible for obtaining user’s requests , queries , responses etc. and sending them for further processing.

Q.15    What do you mean by a front end ?
            It is the user interface which the user can see , and which is responsible for interacting with the users , collecting their requests and passing them on to the back end for further processing
            e.g  A form designed in V.B.

Q16.    What is a Back End?
            It is the program which handles all database accesses through one or more servers , and is responsible for maintaining and  processing the data as per the requirements of the database users.

Q 17.   What do you mean by a database? 
            It is a collection of interrelated data files stored at a centralized place .

Q 18.   What does inventory control system do?
             It is used to maintain optimum inventory levels , control inventory costs and track merchandise movement.

Q 19.   Name some tables used to maintain inventory data
            Item table        To maintain details of items  available in the store
            Orders Table   To maintain a record of items which are ordered to the various vendors
            Shipment Table To maintain a detail of items that have been sold to the customers / wholesalers

Q 20.   Name any two reports available for inventory control system
            Inventory Status report
            Inventory valuation report

Q 21.   Name some database tables and their purpose, required  for maintaining student record
keeping system
            Student Table  -           keeps the details of all students enrolled
            Marks Table    -           keeps a record of marks scored by students in the tests/exams
            Fee Table         -           keeps a track of fee paid by the students

Q 22    What is payroll processing system?
            It is the software that is used to keep a record of salary details of  the employees of an organization

Q 23.   Name some tables required for payroll processing system
            Employee Table          to keep a track of employees working in a organization
            Salary Table                to keep a track of monthly salary , leaves details of the employee

Q24.    Name some reports produced by payroll processing system?
            Monthly pay slip for employee
            Pay register
            Monthly Bank Statement
            Bank Statement for Loans and Advances

Q25.    What is the role of a personal management system / Human Resource system?
            It is responsible of keeping a track of employee details , their growth pattern , training requirements / grievance redressal details , positional changes etc.

Q26.    Name some tables required for human resource System
            Employee Master
            Department master
            Transfer details

Q27.    Name some reports produced by human resource System
            Employee Master report
Training Details report
            Retirement Report

Q28.    Name some tables required for maintaining financial accounting system
            Business transaction  Table
            Assets Table
            Liabilities Table

Q29.    Name some reports generated by financial accounting system
            Income Statement
            Balance Sheet

Q 30.   Write short notes on the following

GNU               This is a project initiated by Richard M. Stallman with an objective to create a system compatible with UNIX  but not identical to it. It offers a wide range of software  including applications apart from operating system.

LINUX           It is a popular computer operating system . It is the most famous example of free software and open source development, as it is not only freely available but its source code is also available which can be modified and redistributed.

Mozilla            It is a software which is free , cross platform  and internet suite  program that includes  a web browser , an E-Mail client  , a HTML editor and and IRC client as its components

Apache            it is a open source web server available to work with different plateforms such as Linux and Unix. . it is developed and maintained by open community of developers.

PostgreSQL    It is a free Object – relational database server , released under the flexible  BSD style lisence. It offers an alternative to other open source database systems as well as proprietary systems such as Oracle etc.

Python             It is an interpreted  , interactive programming language managed by non profit  Python Software Foundation. It can be used for  scripting  of program codes that can be used on Internet.

PHP                 it is a recursive acronym for  PHP Hypertext Processor  , which is a widely used open source  programming language  used primarily for server side programming and developing dynamic web contents.

Open Office / it is an office  application suite  intended to be compatible and  directly compete with ms-office.

OSI                 Open source initiative , it is an organization dedicated to the cause of promoting open source softwares. It specifies the criteria for open source software and properly defines the  terms and specification of  open source software.

TOMCAT       it is a program that serves as a serve let container  and considered to be an application server. It implements servelets and java server pages.

Q.31    Name  some websites dedicated to open source software                                                

Q 32.   What do you mean by transaction and transaction processing system
A transaction is any  business related exchange of data in the database such as payments to employees , supplies to retailers , payments done to suppliers etc.
A transaction processing system is an information system that captures and processes data generated during an organizations , day to day transactions.

Q 33.   What is Data Warehouse?

The Data Warehouse is a system for storing and delivering massive quantities of data. It is a centralized data repository that store and provides already transformed and summarized data, therefore, making it an appropriate environment for more efficient DSS and EIS application.

Q 34.   What is Data Mining?

            Data Mining refers to the extraction of hidden predictive information patterns from  large database.
            Data Mining helps in predicting future trends and behaviours that are useful in making proactive 
            Knowledge-driven decision.

Q 35.   How is Object Oriented Programming different from the other traditional approaches?
The Object Oriented Programming approach see the data in terms of object involved rather than procedure involved with it.

Q 36.   What is DDLC? How it is different from SDLC?
            DDLC stands for Database Development Life Cycle, which is the process for designing and developing  Database. It is different from SDLC as SDLC emphasizes upon the business application logic i.e. it is more function oriented, DDLC is more data oriented.

Q 38. What is Data Dictionary?
          The data dictionary is a database about data and database structure i.e. metadata. It maintains a catalog of all data elements, containing their names, structures, and information about their usage.                      
Q 39. What is a class and an object?
           A class represents a group of objects that share common properties and relationship.
           Object is an identifiable entity with some characteristics and behavior.

Q 40. What do you understand by Object Modeling?
Object Modeling  refers to building models and performing activities so that all this leads up to the deployment of a good OO system.

Q 41. What is UML? What  is UML diagram?
UML stands for Unified Modeling Language. It is an open and industry standard visual modeling language for object oriented system.
UML diagram are the graphical representation of a model of a system. Each UML diagram consists of a set of nodes and arcs, where
--- The nodes represent the model elements.
--- The arcs represent relationship between the model elements.

Q 42. What is a SDLC?
          The SDLC stands for System Development Life Cycle- it is a set of activities that are carried out to
          develop and implement an information system.

Q 43. Define Cost-Benefit analysis.
         Cost-Benefit Analysis can be defined as the method by which we find and estimate the value of the gross  benefits of a new system specifications.

Q 44. What is ER-Model?
         The ER Model or Entity-Relationship Model is a high level, conceptual model that describes data as
         entities, attributes and relationship.

Q 45. What are the different stages of SDLC?
          (i) Preliminary Study/Survey                                               (ii)Feasibility Study
          (iii) Investigation & Fact Recording                                   (iv)System Analysis
          (v) System Design                                                               (vi) Implementation Maintenance , review
Q 46. What are fat and thin client.
          A fat client is an application that itself is responsible  for its processing power and application logic, and a    
          thin client is an application that does not have much of processing power of application logic, rather it    
          provides a user interface only.

Q 47. Differentiate between entity and attributes with the help of an example?
An entity is an object that exists and is distinguishable from other objects e.g. a student, a Book, a Bank-Account etc. An entity is denoted by rectangle in E-R Diagram.

Q 48.Explain the terms software, Hardware and firmware using suitable examples?
Software are the computer program that govern the operation of computers, Hardware contains the physical component which can be seen and touch e.g. Mouse, keyboard. Pre-Written program permanently stores in computer’s read only memory are known as firmware e.g. ROM-BIOS.

Q 50. What is Process Chart?
 A process chart is a form which an analyst can fill when studying a process. An analysis of the filled charts helps identify duplicate and redundant steps and suggests area of potential saving in times.

Q 51. What is Metadata?
 The data about data is called Metadata.

Q 52. What is 3-tier computing model?
In 3 tier computing model there exists three tiers (i) Client tier (ii) Middle tier         (iii) Database server tier.

Q 53. What is 2-tier computing model?
In 2 tier computing model there exists two tiers (i) Client tier  (ii) Database server tier. Processing tasks and application logic are shared between database server and the client.

Q 54. Name some techniques used in Data Mining.
          Some techniques used are:-Artificial neural network, decision tree etc.

Q 55.What do you understand by the term Decision-Tree.
 A decision tree is a diagram that looks like a tree and that relates conditions and actions relating to a process , sequentially.

Q 56. What type of information is depicted in process chart?
A process chart is a chart that enlist each step of the process along with its activity type, time taken and volume involved.

Q 57. What are three basic elements of Structure chart?
           The three basic elements of structure charts are:
           (i)Module                               (ii)Connectors                                      (iii) Couples

Q 58. What is Flow-Chart?
           It is an Graphical Representation of a system’s data and how the actions in a system.

Q 59. Explain the importance of post implementation review briefly?
 A post implementation review is an evaluation of a system in terms of the extent to which the system accomplishes stated objectives and actual project costs exceeds initial estimate.

Q 60. What is Feasibility study?
The basic purpose of Feasibility study or survey is to determine whether the whole process of  system analysis leading to computerization would be worth the effort for the organisation.

How to make a Assignment File and How to write the answers of case Studies in Theory papers.

Hi Readers,

In this article I want to tell you how to make a assignment file by taking an example of one Java Program.

Ans 1.                                                    DESIGN VIEW

Object Name
Object Type
Text Box Control
Used to take first number at run time.
Text Box Control
Used to take second number at run time.
Label Control
Used to display caption in front of first number text box.
Label Control
Used to display caption in front of second number text box.
Command Button
Used to find greater among given numbers.
Command Button
Used to Clear both text boxes
Coding of the Problem
Coding of Clear command button
Event is jButton1ActionPerformed
        jTextField1.setText(" ");
        jTextField2.setText(" ");

Coding of Click me command button
Event is jButton1ActionPerformed
       int a,b;
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "First number is greater ");
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Second number is greater");
Run View